Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Martins' Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) engagement with the implementation of active learning in the classroom. My teaching strategy has shown an increase in student learning accompanied by more engagement in the classroom (Martins et al. 2021; Greenberg and Martins, 2022).
5. Pasche J (G), Caron-Klusendorf C (U), Martins SJ. Seeding Success: The “Plants Get Sick Too!” Workshop Nurtures Teacher Knowledge in Plant Pathology. Plant Health Instructor, 2024, doi.org/10.1094/PHI-O-2023-11-0011
4. Martins CE, Martins SJ, Risner ME. Beyond borders: Building capacity and enhancing institutional resources for
U.S.-Mexico virtual exchange initiatives. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 7, 40–58, 2024, doi.org/10.21827/jve.7.41464
3. Martins SJ & Goss E. Assessment of Students’ Perception of Research in an Honors Thesis Preparation Course. Research, Society and Development, v.12(1), e23112139445, 2023. doi:10.33448/rsd-v12i1.39445
2. Greenberg N (U), Martins SJ. Students Perform Faster and Obtain Better Results When Working Together on a Two-Stage Exam. Teaching Tips. NACTA Journal, 2021. [open access link]
1. Martins SJ, Barber NL (g), Bitton-Bailey A, Byron MA, Lyons NL, Roberts TG. Employing Collaborative Assessments in an In-Person Undergraduate Class. NACTA Journal, v. 65, p. 478-486, 2021 [open access link]

My teaching approach on collaborative learning and engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning have led to several teaching recognitions, such as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award (2022) (A), UF CALS Early Career Excellence in Teaching Award (2023-2024) (B), and the NACTA Educator Award (2024) (C).
2020-present Assistant Professor
- PLP 2000: Plant, Plagues and People, University of Florida, USA
- IDS 2935: What Are Plants Talking About?, University of Florida, USA
Fall 2018 Instructor
- PPEM 300: Horticultural Crop Diseases, Pennsylvania State University, USA
2015-2017 Assistant Professor
- ESA0156: General Plant Pathology, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
- ESA0434: Integrated Disease Management, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
2011-2012 Instructor
- BIO1: Plant Biology (Pre-Uni), Federal University of Lavras, Brazil