We are so grateful to our research sponsors! THANK YOU!
Martins' Lab research, education, and training programs are supported by funds and resources from:


![fundind letter[25].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/41f116_2367327808c84869934076b0630bd278~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_104,h_104,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/fundind%20letter%5B25%5D.jpg)

Co-PI (Bayer, D PI): Focusing on Novel Pest and Disease Management Strategies for US Mushroom Farms. USDA-NIFA (PENW-2023-05649) $3,470,035
Project Director: Mitigating impacts of antibiotic application on citrus plants by the use of native bacterial communities for a sustainable agriculture USDA-NIFA (2022-68015-36721) $299,999
Project Director: Antibiotic Application and its Effects on Plant Microbiome and Plant Health. Archer Early Career - UF/IFAS Research. $50,000
Co-PI (Brawner, JT PI): Coordinated Pathogen Surveillance and Resistance Delivery. USDA-NIFA (2021-68013-33758) $950,000.00
Project Director: Exploring Grower Interest in Microbial Predation and the Impact on Nutrient and Microbial Turnover in Organic Production. USDA-OREI (2022-51300-37888) $46,664
Project Director: Fixation and delivery of microbial volatile organic compounds via biochar to control soilborne diseases. CAPES-Print (2023-2024) $15,070 (in-kind)
Co-PI (Goss, E PI): Plants Get Sick Too! Workshop for Teachers in Florida (Fall 2023). Corteva support $3,000.00
Project Director: A comparative genomic study of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. mangiferaeindicae strains. CAPES-Print (2022-2023) $19,744.00 (in-kind)
Project Director: Plants Get Sick Too! Workshop for Teachers in Florida (Spring 2023). Syngenta support $500.00
Project Director: Plants Get Sick Too! Workshop for Teachers in Florida (Spring 2023). Lallemand support $300.00
Project Director: UF Quest2 Course (Spring 2023) $14,596.00
Project Director: UF/IFAS Undergraduate Summer Research Internship Program (Fall 2022) $3,700.00
Project Director: UF Global Learning Institute Program. University of Florida International Center $5,000.00
Project Director: UF/IFAS Undergraduate Summer Research Internship Program (Fall 2021) $3,700.00
Co-PI (Perez, H PI): 2D X-ray Imaging. USDA-NIFA/Equipment Grant Program. $177,600.00
Project Director: Quest 2 Course Development Stipend. UF Quest (Spring 2022) $3,000.00
Project Director: Genomic comparison analysis strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis isolated from mango. Higher Education Commission Pakistan (17-5/FAG2-001/HEC/Sch-FDP/209) $2,640.00
Project Director: Virtual Exchange Program University of Florida International Center $500.00
Co-PI (Smith ME, PI): CALS Instructional Improvement Grant $5,000.00