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We are always interested in hearing from motivated prospective lab members. If you are a prospective graduate student or postdoc, your best bet is to get in touch as far in advance as possible so that we have time to think about projects and funding sources.


Undergraduate Students:


To inquire about options for undergraduates in the lab, please first read this advice on how to write a professional e-mail inquiry (link here) and then e-mail Dr. Martins ( with a brief description of your background and interests, and attach your CV. The UF Center for Undergraduate Research and UF/IFAS and UF Active Learning Program have great resources for undergraduates interested in research experience on campus.


Prospective Graduate Students:


If you are interested in joining the lab as a Master’s or Ph.D. student, please first read this advice on how to write a professional e-mail inquiry (link here) and then e-mail Dr. Martins ( Please indicate whether you are interested in a Master’s or a Ph.D. and attach your CV.


Prospective Postdocs:


Please e-mail Dr. Martins ( with your background and interests and attach your CV so that we can discuss potential projects and funding opportunities.

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