Roshni H. Panwala
Ph.D. Candidate (Co-advised by Dr. Gary Vallad)
Country of origin: USA

Michelle Lee
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA

Mason Trub
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA


Roshni Sawlani
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: Saint Martin

Former lab members – gone but not forgotten!

Josie M. Pasche
Master Student
Country of origin: USA
Now: North Caroline Depart. of Agriculture as the State CAPS Coordinator

Hiago Silva
Ph.D. student (Visiting Scholar)
Country of origin: Brazil
Now: Postdoc at Federal University of Vicosa, Brazil
Finnegan Corneliussen
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA

Malia M. Fortney
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA
Now: Laboratory Technician at UF Blueberry Breeding Program

Kayleigh F Lefley
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA

Sam L. Snyder
Undergraduate Researcher
Country of origin: USA
Now: Agricultural Economist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Asif Mahmood
Visiting Scholar
Now: Lecturer, MNS University of Agriculture Multan
Country of origin: Pakistan

Ellen Fleming
Former Undergraduate Researcher
Now: Ph.D. student at Univ. of Pittsburgh
Country of origin: USA

Dr. Tawanda Maguvu
Former Postdoc
Now: PostDoc at University of California, Davis
Country of origin: Zimbabwe